Digital Marketing

Striking the perfect balance between brand and performance, we’re a team of strategists who create robust programs and thought-provoking campaigns that propel your business to places it’s never been.

Get comfortable with things moving fast, and changing often.

Our preferred approach is making deep, juicy strategies that hold hands with “adjust it as we go” – because when you’re not nimble, you get left in the dust.

How we get it done

Digital marketing at Liquid consists of 6 specialties, each an important part of navigating this brisk world. Individually, these things can help you make gains, but the real treat is when they all work together.

If you’re not one for reading, here’s a summary: we’re going to nestle in the brains of buyers who aren’t in-market (but will be one day) while giving the in-market buyers something that jolts them into action. When these things dance together, you get a marketing machine that works.


Great SEO is about treating your best prospects (and best customers) like the smarties they are and being laser-focused on the specifics of what they search for – because that’s as good of an insight into the brain as you can get. 

This mindset helps us focus on the right terms, shapes content strategy, and avoids the one-size-fits-all approach many SEO programs take. There is a lot of goodness underneath, but here’s how it works at a high level:

  • We'll perform an SEO audit of on-page, off-page, technical, and UX SEO factors.
  • Whip up a fresh strategy that makes your eyes glisten and feel like there's a real plan
  • Start chipping away at the backlog of items from the strategy, often collaborating with our creative and tech teams
  • Creat thick, electrifying reports every quarter to understand how it's going

SEO is about more than getting lots of traffic, it's a holistic play rooted in people's very real motivations and improves every aspect of your marketing.

Integrated Campaign Planning

The blueprint, the playbook — whatever you want to call it, this is where your overarching strategy takes shape. We're going to:

  • Set objectives that are realistic (ideallly from benchmarks using your own data) and relevant
  • Establish KPIs to figure out if we're hitting those objectives
  • Define all the important audiences so we can remember we're marketing to people with problems just like us
  • Bug the creative team a lot while we craft messages and themes that fire up your audiences
  • Select the types of content that'll help us convey those messages best
  • Pick the right channels to reach your prospects and customers
  • Document all the fun, "put a bow on it" details like timing and logistics

The right campaign planning has an almost excruciating level of detail, but gives permission to change it up once in-market. That's the balance the best campaigns are born from.

Marketing Analytics

Someone once said the currency of good analytics is insight generation, and that’s just as true for marketing as anywhere else. We dig deep across campaigns, your website, search, and social channels to uncover every nugget we can and turn those insights into action. Here’s how we do it:

  • Audit the current state across your website analytics setup, use of link tagging, and reporting
  • Establish a new strategy, where needed — maybe it's getting more coverage in your event tracking or more granular in your link tagging.
  • Maintain this structure to implement new things as your website changes or new campaigns launch
  • Build data visualizations to improve your reporting and provide real-time access to to what's important
  • Create reports that cover what happened, why it happened, and share insights that keep things evolving

What you get is a beaufiful symphony of web data, performance data, and insight that cuts right to your core.

Social Media

Honest marketing isn’t possible without making sure you’ve got it humming on social. Transparent conversations, connecting directly with your customers and prospects, and the perfect spot for creative ambition — it’s a great place to build deep connections. We’ll whip it into shape with the following:

  • Identify which channels make the most sense
  • Develop specific content plans for each because they aren't the same even when you see companies treat them that way
  • Let creative loose on them and bring it all to life
  • Carefuly craft content calendars built on your core content strategy, best performing content, and what's trending/timely
  • Establish ongoing community management including identifying content creators that would resonate with your audience
  • Provide workflow and governance plans if necessary, so it doesn't all fall apart
  • Build a social analytics foundation complete with reporting, insight generation, and iteration

Get social right and you'll be well on your way to making your marketing a lot more human.

Paid Advertising

Search, social, audio, video — if it's big, juicy, and programmatic, we've probably got the chops to leverage it. Modern paid advertising offers eye-watering depth to help you reach who you need. Our tactical specialists create deep targeting plans, test the crap out of them, and optimize everything toward what's working. Here's what you can expect:

  • Do all the audience research needed to find out where your people are
  • Devleop in-depth targeting plans for each tactic we go to market with
  • Annoy the creative team to ensure the nuance of each and every placement is considered
  • Perfectly prepare a smattering of marketing ops stuff to make sure each channel is set up properly and every ad set is tracked according to plan
  • Get started and then ask a million quesitons while we're managing these tactics every day so we can optimize ongoing

As long as you DON'T set it and forget it, there are few things that offer the level of versatility and potential for success than digital paid advertising.

Email Marketing

Email never seems to get the message about its impending demise. Reliable, targeted, and personal if used correctly, email marketing is a versatile stalwart in any marketing strategy. 

It can be powerful automation at the center of lead nurturing, an essential communication tool for sales teams, or a way to fire up your current customer base (sometimes it’s all those things at once). Like everything else, we’ll plan it, set it up, ensure it’s connected where it needs to be, and optimize it as needed. 

Check out our other services

We know that digital marketing is but one part of a greater whole. We’d barely be treading water without our tech team answering all the questions that hurt our brains and none of our carefully laid plans would matter with yawn-inducing creative. We’re better with them and not afraid to shout it from the rooftops.

Say hello

Please reach out if you see something that's making you think we'll get along. Plus some say we're even better in person.