Interacting with the Publishing Owl

Liquid Publishing Owl

Liquid Publishing Owl

Tracking your updates and fixes can prove challenging during a website build or maintenance task. Liquid Publishing Owl is a Sitecore plug-in that provides detailed insight into the specifics of how and where each publishing effort affects your website application.

This plug-in will help save time and effort while helping minimize the effort spent in debugging and problem-solving your website build.

With a Launchpad-based interface, this Sitecore plug-in provides you easy access to the vital data you need for effectively determining the impact of your editing workflow.

Download Now

The Liquid Publishing Owl Plug-in provides the following features:

  • Accessibility from Sitecore Launchpad
  • High-level view of publishing items in a Sitecore solution
  • Detail-oriented view of any item altered as a result of publishing
  • History retention controls to limit amount of data loading in this section
    • 7-day, 14-day, or 30-day history windows

This plug in will be cross-browser compatible with the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 9+
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Chrome
    • Windows (81.0.4044.113+)
    • Mac OS (81.0.4044.113+)
  • Firefox 75+
  • Supports Sitecore version 9.2+ (MVC)